
The career coach: Changing jobs in a recession - this is what you should think about

To dare to change jobs during a recession, you need to think about what kind of person you are. Do you like taking risks? How does the economy look? Put your career in a larger perspective based on, among other things, family and living situation, says Tina Persson , career coach and author of the book The PhD Career Coaching Guide .

According to her, it is important to find out what competence you possess and whether it needs to be replenished. In other words, it can be tactical to stay at your current workplace, take extra courses, take stock of other career opportunities and bide your time.

But if you have found a new job, or receive a job offer, it is good if you do not act too quickly and that you find out as much as possible about the new workplace before making a decision. A serious company lets you think before you make a decision .

- Use Linkedin, phone and your network. Talk to people who work there about how they see the company and its chances during a recession. Don't just talk to those who will confirm what you already know.

Should you change jobs during a recession?

- You should never tell someone to change jobs. We humans are different and we have different needs. It is also incredibly industry dependent. The life science industry is not as sensitive to economic cycles as other industries. You work with capital that is invested in the long term, but for small companies it can of course be difficult to raise capital during a recession.

If you change jobs, it is important how you act in the new workplace, according to Tina Persson. You need to be street smart and see what needs exist in the company.

- Get to know your colleagues and build internal networks. It is important to make yourself needed and then you need to build teamwork with colleagues and managers.

If you change jobs and there are restructurings at the workplace - how should you think?

- Don't panic and remember that your career doesn't always have to go up. Even though you were the manager of 100 people, it doesn't have to be negative to instead become a team leader. In another position, you can build a new network and gain new skills, which can lead to a new career in the long run. You should not think that you are going down, but that you are moving forward.

Read the full interview here.

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